Every pregnancy is different.
“Every pregnancy is different.” I’ve heard this said a multitude of times, but didn’t give it a 2nd thought until I was pregnant with Baby #2.
With Baby #1 I had tons of energy, kept up with a great social life, didn’t miss a day without a power walk, a power yoga class, or an intense Pilates session. The day Cooper was born I had to call my Pilates clients to tell them I wouldn’t be available for their session that day because “I’m having a baby today.”
With Baby #2 absolutely none of the above has been true. Granted I’m still working full time and trying to keep up with a crazy 4 year old, but this little Baby nugget has been zapping my energy for oh, let’s say 37 weeks now. My social life has consisted of early family dinners, other kid’s birthday parties, and an occasional matinee with girlfriends. My exercise regimen has been slow strolls, yoga without the power, and Pilates without the intense. And you know what, I am A-okay with all of it because I’m grateful for the mindset Pilates has given me. “The mind when housed in a healthful body possesses a glorious sense of power” Joseph Pilates
The most important component of my prenatal Pilates training has been focusing on breathing. I could list 1001 things that make you crazy when you are pregnant, and I’ve found that focused breathing is the very best way for me to connect my crazy mind with my ever changing body. Pilates breath – full breath in through the nose, expanding lungs wide, complete exhalation through the mouth, getting rid of every last drop of air. Pilates breath helps me quiet my mind, stay tuned into my body and will follow me into the delivery room.
My tried and true Pilates mat workout throughout this pregnancy has consisted of:
1. A wonderful supine butterfly stretch (head on a block or bolster)
2. Spinal articulation with bridging
3. 100s with my knees bent, feet on the floor
4. Spine stretch forward w legs wide
5. Side lying leg series
6. Cat and cow stretches
7. Seated arm circles
8. Child’s pose
Every body and every pregnancy truly is different. Tuning into your own body and your own needs as you grow another human being inside of you is the very best thing you can do for yourself. If you are pregnant and are interested in Private Pre Natal Pilates Training please contact us.