Category Archives: General

May 23, 2024

Breathing Cues and Why They Matter

If you’re a Pilates regular, you probably hear breathing cues in your dreams. The usual, “inhale, exhale,” “control your breath.”…
March 30, 2023

Bringing Pilates into Our Everyday Lives

Allison Broglie You just left your amazing Iron Butterfly Pilates session. You feel energized. You feel accomplished. You feel ready…
April 11, 2022

Stressing About Stress

Want to know something scary? Grief, stress, all those negative feelings aren’t just feelings. Studies have shown that chronically experiencing…
December 4, 2021


Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Smartphones have a stranglehold on almost all parts of our daily life.…
September 11, 2021

Beating Burnout

We’ve all felt it. That blanket of exhaustion after days and days of stress where even just getting out of…
June 14, 2021

Pilates vs. Tension

Do you have tension in your shoulders and neck? Do you grip the tops of your feet when you walk,…
November 2, 2020

Secrets to Success

The definition of success is: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Sounds simple right? But we all know it’s…
February 24, 2020

Pilates for Runners

By Bridget Kelly I have never met anyone who couldn’t benefit from Pilates. From my own experience with Pilates as…
January 6, 2020

Can We Improve Balance?

By Erin Toy Have you ever had a fall? Have you tripped over a dog toy lying on the ground, …
September 8, 2019

Dry Needling Now Available!

Iron Butterfly is excited to now offer dry needling to clients alongside their Pilates practice. Whether it be for injury,…